Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What A Week....

I' m going to have to say that I have been a little disengaged this week......We have a lot going on and I have been dealing with a few loose ends and ruffled feathers.  The boys are ready to start school, and all the extra cirriculars are set up. I'm thinking about letting Jack join a gymnastics class though in the fall. We are going "school clothes shopping" with Mo tomorrow. We are all counting down the 19 days till school is in session. The boys seem to enjoy their time away as much as I do. Curt lost his phone on Saturday, and has been in panic mode ever since.  Everyday he comes home and frantically searches the entire house and cars. I don't think that it's going to magically appear, but he's torn my house apart 3 times now!  My car was already a mess, but now all my trash is unorganized. The boys couldn't even get in with the seats being all cock-eyed. It's been less than thrilling. We did however develope 10 rolls of film we found. It was great to look back and see all the good times and memories. There was even one roll from before Wil was even a blink in our eye! Talk about old.  I am amazed at how different the boys are. It was fun to look at. Well I'm off back to the nitty gritty. I'll blog more after our meeting on sat, followed by parents night(day) out!


Anonymous said...

Oh no.... You might ask all of the neighborhood kids if they saw one. If someone found one in a yard or street, it wouldn't surprise me if they would play with it. I am pretty positive my kids haven't found one.
I know what you mean about back to school... We can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Where's the latest update?