Thursday, December 18, 2008

The spirit

I just love those people who have no reservations about decorating thier house for Christmas. I always want mine to match and have some kind of theme. Not everyone is like that. Some just link whatever lights they have, from whatever year they were popular, and call it decorated. I LOVE these houses even though I could never do this to mine. I don't want to be known as the crazy Christmas light lady on our block. I'm already known for making my husband do crazy things to get my light up each year. That's enough of a label for me! As Curt and I were driving the other night We passed this house. It was amazing. Every inch was decorated. Music was playing. I just had to snap a few for your pleasure.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


December is flying by as fast as November did! Christmas is approching in just days and I am still in panic mode! When does the craziness end? Curt and I have been doing some work on the house, I love changing things up abit. Curt probably despises it! We painted the living room,bathroom, and living room floor! I made Curt stand on a 28 ft ladder, in the bed of his truck to put my christmas lights up,because the ladder was too short. I have to say though our lights look great! He came close to falling a couple of times. On the flip side ALL of us caught some god awful virus. I got the short end of the straw this time, and got it worse them all the boys put together. It was amazing I survived!!! I dehydrated myself so much that I had a headache, and crazy leg cramps! Curt was very good to me while I was sick. Wil went to see his specialist todayand she was amazing. She had so much helpful information, It was amazing. We'll see her again in a few months. he boys will be visting the SIGNING SANTA tomorrow. I'll be sure to post a pic! Until then Happy Holidays to you and yours!